Research Projects

Integrated Water Management Systems

Investigating holistic methodologies for sustainable water management across diverse ecosystems, including urban, rural, and industrial landscapes.

Desalination Technologies

Assessing the efficiency and environmental impact of advanced desalination methods, with an aim to improve freshwater extraction from seawater.

Water Quality and Health

Studying the relationship between water contaminants (both microbial and chemical) and public health, and developing rapid testing methodologies.

Water Policy and Governance

Analysing the effectiveness of current water policies across different countries and suggesting improvements based on global best practices.

Climate Change and Water Security

Understanding the implications of global climate change on freshwater availability, especially in drought-prone regions.

Advanced Irrigation Technologies

Researching smart irrigation systems that minimise water use while maximising crop yield, leveraging IoT and AI technologies.

Wastewater Treatment Innovations

Advancing techniques in wastewater treatment to increase water recycling rates and decrease environmental pollution.

Aquifer Recharge Strategies

Evaluating effective methods for artificially recharging aquifers to restore groundwater levels.

River Basin Modeling

Utilising advanced computational models to predict river flow, sediment transport, and pollutant dispersion in major river systems.

Socio-economic Impacts of Water Scarcity

Analysing the economic and social consequences of water scarcity in vulnerable regions and recommending policy changes.

Indigenous Water Practices

Documenting traditional water management practices from indigenous communities worldwide and their potential integration into modern systems.

Flood Mitigation and Urban Planning

Developing urban planning strategies that incorporate flood risk management in flood-prone cities.

Water Footprint of the Global Food System

Assessing the amount of water used in various stages of food production, processing, and distribution, and recommending strategies to reduce water-intensive practices.


Studying the interactions between water and ecosystems, especially in regions experiencing rapid environmental changes.

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