Vision & Mission


To envision a world where water is abundant, accessible, and sustainably managed. The International Institute of water (IIW) aims to take a leading role in pioneering solutions, fostering innovation, and empowering communities in the field of water science. Our aspiration is to stand as a vanguard in worldwide high-end water research and educational endeavours.


Our mission is to lead the world in confronting the multifaceted global water sustainability through research, education, advocacy, and international cooperation. Ensuring the sustainable and equitable management of water resources for the benefit of present and future generations. To fulfil this mission, we are steadfastly committed to the following core principles:

  • Education and Capacity Building: Providing world-class education and training in water-related disciplines, nurturing and empowering future leaders in water management.
  • Research Excellence: Conducting cutting-edge research in water science, technology, and management  to comprehensively address water challenges and develop innovative solutions.
  • Innovation and Technology: Promoting the adoption of innovative technologies and sustainable practices in water management.
  • Awareness and Advocacy: Raising awareness about water-related issues and advocating for evidence-based policies and practices.
  • Community Engagement: Engaging actively with local communities, fostering responsible water use, and promoting conservation efforts at the grassroots level.
  • International Collaboration: Cultivating and nurturing global partnerships to collectively address transboundary water issues and facilitate the dissemination of knowledge.

Through unwavering dedication to these guiding principles, IIW aspires to make a profound and lasting contribution towards realizing a water-secure world. In this vision, the invaluable resource of water is not merely safeguarded but also shared judiciously, ensuring that it benefits all of humanity, both now and in the future.

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